Enter now

To start your entry, please select the category below. If you have previously started, please log in to your account. We would advise completing your entry in Word or a similar programme first before copying and pasting into the entry form. You can download a copy of the entry form as reference below.

If you need help with your entry or require any clarification, please contact Fran Williams at ajstudentprize@emap.com‌.

The entry deadline for the AJ Student Prize is 7 June 2024


We encourage each school to submit a final year project from two students – one at undergraduate level and/or one at postgraduate level (dependant on your course offering).

Entering students into the AJ Student Prize is completely free of charge.

Entry deadline is 7 June 2024

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We encourage each school to submit a final year project from two students – one at undergraduate level and/or one at postgraduate level (dependant on your course offering).

Entering students into the AJ Student Prize is completely free of charge.

Entry deadline is 7 June 2024

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