Why enter?

This free-to-enter prize is a great platform to celebrate and support the work of both architecture students and universities across the UK – as the new generation of architects emerges.

Why enter?

  • Entries received from each school will be published in the AJ’s annual student issue which comes out in September 2024
  • A panel of distinguished judges will decide on the winners of this year’s Student Prize
  • Winners will be announced and invited to a prize-giving event in October

How to enter?

  • Read the entry criteria below.
  • Register your details online - After doing this, you will receive an email. Then click on the link to validate your account or add the validation code. You will need to do this before you can complete your entries.
  • To submit your entry, agree to the terms and conditions then click the COMPLETE button at the bottom of the page.
  • Login at any time to finish your entry. If you forget your password, please use the reset password link on the login page.


The project must be entered by the school, i.e. the tutor or head of school. Students are not allowed to submit their individual projects.

We understand that some schools may require an extension and we will aim to be as flexible as possible. However, we do need to ensure that all material is submitted in time to be included in the September student issue. If you are concerned about the entry deadline, please email ajstudentprize@emap.com

We accept any architectural projects as long as they are designed by an undergraduate or postgraduate student.

Submissions are completely free.

Yes, but please make sure you list the names of all students involved.

Images should be attached in order of preference, so please upload your primary image first.

The judging panel will consider the overall quality and originality of the idea and approach, its skill in execution, and its possibilities and application to practice. Judges will also look at how the project considers both environmental and sustainable contexts.

The winners will be announced at the AJ Student Prize event in October, along with other content lead activities. The exact location and date will be confirmed closer to the date.

Please note: once entries are submitted, they are final. If there are any problems or questions about your entry, we will contact you. Requests to change submitted entries will be considered on an individual basis. All queries in this regard should be directed to ajstudentprize@emap.com.